31 lipca 2017
Opening your own hair salon – what to remember about?
31 lipca 2017
Hair salon and the hygienic matters
19 lipca 2017
Design the ideal hair salon
12 lipca 2017
How to choose the professional furniture to the hair salon?
5 listopada 2016
Modern dimension of hairdressing’s salon equipment

Professional furniture in hairdressing salon - part II
4 listopada 2016The professional styling chair should have a hydraulic pump. It allows to customize proper height to individual client. The base is a matter of taste. The... ...
Hairdressing furniture – which one if not smooth?
2 listopada 2016The majority of styling chairs and washers in salon has currently very smooth imitation leather. However, classics solution are being replaced by different and brave... ...
Professional furniture in hairdressing salon - part I
2 listopada 2016Nowadays appearance of salon is very important, because this is the first thing, which can attract client to come in. But only a good hairdresser can keep friendly... ...
Hairdresser’s salon from hygienic side
31 października 2016Sanitary-epidemiological station Not only is the location important. On the beginning it is good to check whether the salon fulfil the criteria eg.:... ...
Professional hairdressing furniture

Opening your own hair salon – what to remember about?
31 lipca 2017
How to choose the professional furniture to the hair salon?
12 lipca 2017Nowadays, the most important things for clients, while choosing their hairdressers are his or her skills and good customer approach...
Design your hairdresser

Design the ideal hair salon
19 lipca 2017
Modern dimension of hairdressing’s salon equipment
5 listopada 2016It is obvious that everyone has different taste and preferences. Therefore, every person is trying to design and equip its own house or company...
Tricks and tips

Hair salon and the hygienic matters
31 lipca 2017
Hairdresser’s salon from hygienic side
31 października 2016Sanitary-epidemiological station Not only is the location important. On the beginning it is good to check whether the salon fulfil the...