Design your hairdresser

Design the ideal hair salon

Lipiec 19 2017

Hair salon design

A hair salon is the place where customers want to not only receive a professional service, but also relax. Many people decide to visit their favourite hairdresser when they have a bad day, and need some comfort. That is why, the proper design of the hair salon is so important, as it will not only draw new customers but also make them happy and satisfied. So what are the main rules concerning right interior design of such place? These are some of the most important things you should remember about.

Divide the space into zones

No matter how big your hairdressing salon is you need to find enough space for everything that it should consist of. There should be enough room for the reception and waiting room, but in this case you can combine those two zones. The heart of the whole hair salon, which is of course the place where the clients are served, should be big enough to let hairdressers work comfortably. There should also be the separate zone for the backwashers and some room where all necessary equipment is stored.

Choose the right style

Every hair salon needs to have its unique style, that will draw attention of the potential clients. Of course, every single one of them has his or her own taste, but you need to choose something that in some way will satisfy all of them. Many owners of such businesses decide on a classical and elegant styles rather than some original ones. It is a safe choice, but with a little bit of imagination, you may create an interior which is elegant, but at the same time unique. If you have no idea how to do it, you can always ask for help a professional interior designer. In most cases, it is an investment which pays off. 

Find appropriate furniture

The furniture is one of those features of hair salon that may determine it total appearance. That is why you should pay a lot of interest to that matter. Every piece of furniture that will be present in your salon, needs to be of the highest quality, as customers really appreciate it. What is more, all the hairdressing chairs, backwashers and even sofas or armchairs in the waiting room have to be comfortable. That way the clients will be able to relax on every step of their metamorphosis. Of course, all furniture should also match the style of your hair salon. It doesn’t mean that they necessary need to be of the same colour as walls, but all in all they should form a coherent whole. Sometimes, the furniture in contrastive colours look even better than those in the same shades as the rest of the hair salon.
