Basic furniture and equipment for the hair salon
You have finally made that decision, and now you are opening your own hairdressing salon! You have got lots of energy, great ideas and some money that you should wisely invest. Everything seems to be perfect, but as it turns out purchasing necessary equipment for the hair salon isn’t as easy as you thought. Nowadays, the choice is so huge that it is really hard to make a decision on what will be the best and most needed at your hairdressing salon. If you have such problem, there are some tips on which basic furniture and equipment you should get.
Hair salon furniture
The space where the hairdressers serve their clients is of course one of the most important in the hair salon. That is why, while choosing the furniture, you need to make sure that they are really comfortable, both for customers and your employees, but also functional. Many hair salons’ owners pay attention mostly to the appearance of the furniture, but you need to remember that it isn’t as essential as above-mentioned features. Of course, they need to match the style of the whole place, but not at the cost of their practicality.
So, what kind of furniture you should buy in the first place? The most important are hairdressing chairs, which are in the central part of the hair salon. Another thing is the console with the big mirror, which will allow the customer to see exactly what the hairdresser is doing. Such console should also have enough room to put all necessary accessories on it. There also need to be room for backwash units and stools for hairdressers.
But hair salon consists not only of the space where the hair is cut and styled. You should also create a nice waiting room, where your clients will be able to wait for their turn in comfortable conditions. That is why, you need to buy a really cosy sofa, which doesn’t necessary have to be very big. If you have more room, you may also purchase matching armchairs, and of course a coffee table.
Hairdressing equipment
When it comes to the equipment that is needed in every hairdressing salon, you have to choose those products which are made by reputable companies. That way you will be sure that they are durable, high quality models.
Some basic equipment includes of course scissors, combs, hair clips and electronic devices, such as dryers, hair straighteners, curlers, curling irons and trimmers. All of them should have necessary certificates, which guarantee their proper functioning. This is very important as in any case, you do not want to deal with an angry customer with damaged hair.